Identity – an area of tension between being and possibility to be. Can it be that the only reason photography was invented was the ability to give expression to the many facets of the search for identity? Identification is like a mirror, in which we see places, objects, people, behaviours and always ourselves – deceptively or as they truly are. In the exhibition TRACKS OF MY IDENTITY at the Neues Kunstforum, 8 artists tread their path to identity.
Neues Kunstforum
Alteburger Wall 1
50678 Köln - Neustadt-Süd
14.09. to 21.09.2014
13.09.2014 19:00 h
daily 14 – 19h
Mo 15 Sept closed
19. Sept 14 – 22h
20.+21. Sept 11 – 19h